Thursday, July 26, 2012

Appcelerator Titanium Module Development for iOS

Module template Link::

How to use Module template for Titanium iOS Module Development.
Steps to use:

1: Download zip file from the above link, and unzip it.
2: It will generate a folder named template, and inside that folder there is a file "template.xcodeproj".
3: double click this file to open the project in Xcode.
4: Project contains various file, uses of these are mentioned with file names below.

File Names:
These files are generated files and not meant to be edited.

This is the module file which is always required for module development and can be single file only.

Its Proxy class, Object of this class can be created in JS files of titanium app and Methods declared in this class can be called using dot notation, if the method signature is according to the Titanium standards. This class is basically created to show case all the LIFE CYCLE Methods of a Proxy Class Object Creation Process, which will be called one by one in a sequence.

Its a View class, and It require a view proxy to be associated with it. view proxy can be made available using the naming convention.
So according to the naming convention its view proxy will be ComGlTemplateSampleViewProxy.h and ComGlTemplateSampleViewProxy.m class files.

Its view proxy for Sample View class and When ever Titanium developer create the instance of the view the This proxy class instance will be created and methods exposed in the proxy will be available to the JS developer.

This DemoProxy class methods are provided to explain certain features like how to fire event and callback methods. This class also explains some of the property change notification methods.

1:ComGlTemplateMethodsandParameterProxy.h 2:ComGlTemplateMethodsandParameterProxy.m
This class explains all the possible values of return type, which can be returned to the JS developer.
It also uses the standards for the methods used by titanium, and it must be followed.

Note: module.xcconfig file is written with some commented code to explain some of the findings and logical relationship between titanium and native platform.
In actual module development these commented things are to be used as required.

How to Build and Package the Module.
Refer the following link for this.

How to create the objects of deferent classes: Steps:

1: require the Module

var template = require(''); Note: "" will be your module id.

Method Calling Example:

2:create the object of proxy class before calling there methods. 

var sampleProxyObject = template.createSample(); or
var sampleProxyObject = template.createSample({});

Note: "createSample()" here "Sample" is the name used while creating proxy class, i.e. ComGlTemplateSampleProxy.

Method Calling Example:

How to Add Proxy class Object to Another View Object.
Not Possible to add and it does not have any impact actually when we think logically.

3:create the object of viewProxy class before calling there methods.

var sampleProxyViewObject = template.createSampleView(); or
var sampleProxyViewObject = template.createSampleView({});

Note: "createSampleView()" here "SampleView" is the name used while creating viewProxy class and view class, 
i.e. ComGlTemplateSampleViewProxy and view as ComGlTemplateSampleView.

Method Calling Example:
How to Add ViewProxy class Object to Another View Object.

taking consideration that "windowObject" is already created and trying to add viewProxy Object in that.

example: windowObject.add(sampleProxyViewObject); Some Important Points to remember.

Note: Always call the view methods from the methods exposed in the viewProxy on MainThread else it will crash the application.
Note: ViewProxy object can be added to the Other View In titanium App But A normal proxy Objet can not.
Note: A Method with prefix "set" will receive the parameter directly while methods without "set" prefix will receive parameter as an NSArray Objet, single or multiple parameter does not have any impact on this behavior.